The Vitality Doctor

Dr Marilyn Joyce INSTANT E.N.E.R.G.Y.™

By on Oct 11, 2016 in Blog, Latest News |

Dr Marilyn Joyce INSTANT E.N.E.R.G.Y.™

Caregiving can be a fulfilling job. The idea of offering support to another human being can actually be rewarding. However, the responsibilities that come with it are demanding and will often demand your immediate attention. For this reason, many caregivers are prone to depression, anxiety, and this can lead to burnout.

Caregivers often offer their support selflessly, and will often continue providing loved ones this support despite feeling depressed, fatigued, and even unappreciated. Yet, caregivers need to be in their best state of mental and physical health to be able to provide the level of care that will enrich their loved one’s life.

Dr Marilyn Joyce helps caregivers regain their sense of well being so that they can restore their emotional, physical, and social health. She wants to help you, so that the challenges you are going through do not affect your health or relationships.

Who is Dr Marilyn Joyce? She is a registered dietician who has a doctorate in psychology and nutrition. She is also a practitioner of Yoga and Mind-Body-Spirit wellness with competencies in Yoga, nutrition, and psychology. She is able to provide holistic solutions using a scientific and evidence backed approach.

Dr Marilyn Joyce helped cancer patients make positive lifestyle changes to their health when she was Director of Nutrition for the Cancer Treatment Centers of America in the mid-nineties. Dr Marilyn Joyce is also a renowned speaker and author known for her globally acclaimed bestselling book, 5 Minutes to Health.

She has used her professional experience to formulate holistic health programs that help caregivers feel positive, regain their psychological and physical health, and take charge of their lives again.

Her 5 minute caregiver Energy Strategies include:

  • Short, Easy Strategies You Can Be Using 1 Minute From Now
  • 5 Minute Power Strategies to BOOST Your Energy Instantly
  • Guilt-Free Strategies That Work Quickly, Easily, At Any Location

Get instant E.N.E.R.G.Y.™ free for Caregivers Today.