The Major Hurdles Facing Family Caregivers
The Major Hurdles Facing Family Caregivers
Caring for patients, elderly or people with disabilities comes with challenges. Often, the noble calling begins with the best intentions that can get rough when the task becomes fully engaging, or the condition deteriorates. While most caregivers in the rehabilitation centers are trained to cope with the everyday challenges, home caregivers tend to lag in that aspect. For this reason, what starts as a well-intended activity becomes a bother to the home caregivers. According to Dr. Marilyn Joyce, such caregivers are likely to face the following hurdles as they take care of their relatives.
Deprivation of privacy
The freedom to exist in one’s space is imperative for human beings as it gives ample time to reflect on one’s life. Despite there being a paramount need for caregivers, any efforts to achieve the space could be taken for negligence, leaving most with no time to live alone. While you may need to devote sufficient care to the person, you need not neglect your personal life and responsibilities such as your children and spouse.
Inadequate sleeping time
Caring for an elderly person or someone with a disability is likely to get hard when the situation becomes worse. Lack of sleep is a common symptom assumed by the caregivers, as they consider it an aging sign. Before they know it, they can hardly catch enough sleep, or have irregular patterns. Caregiving is likely to demand most of your time with some essential tasks requiring attention at night.
Overwhelming scope of responsibilities
The level of care required for individuals depends on the state of the condition that is likely to change over time. it hard to predict what the patients will need in the next moment as some can hardly communicate leaving you to respond to uncertain occurrences. If you are dealing with one with wandering behaviors, they may need to be accompanied all the time.